3 Best practices of Talent Management

Every company dreams of bringing attrition levels close to zero. Reality is otherwise. It’s worse especially when talented people leave. However, there are organizations where attrition levels are consistently below 5% year-on-year, and it has nothing to do with a company’s brand perception. These are the best practices such companies consciously execute: 1. Upward feedback […]

Top 3 reasons people quite companies

Rising attrition is a major concern across organizations. These are top 3 reasons people quit: 1. Bad bosses – Incompetent managers make people overwork, most of which is unproductive for the team. This takes a toll on people’s mental health. Worse, they show their team members in bad light and never take responsibilities for their […]

3 Signs of a bad manager

3 easy giveaways in spotting bad managers: 1. They lack vision for their team in the short or long term. These are usually the people who get promoted to managerial roles based on long tenure with the company. To them, management is limited to work allocations, and nothing to do with mentoring, team-building or strategizing. […]

The #1 trait of super star recruiters

Empathy is a recruiter’s super power. Super star recruiters are champions of putting themselves in other people’s shoes. They understand other people’s struggles and aspirations beyond career goals. There is a purpose to why successful recruiters do this. Subconsciously, recruiters are trying to find the right sync – team chemistry per se – between the […]

Re-learning Centers – The Future of Business Training

Hiring the perfect candidate is not practically feasible. Technologies are evolving, customer demands are dynamically changing, while talent capacities of in-house workforce reaches saturation. The best solution is to establish a permanent, in-house, re-Learning center. This will be a strategic move, by avoiding challenges associated with new resource hiring, or engaging permanent third party services. […]

How to ensure employee commitment & loyalty

The phrase “People don’t leave companies, but leave their bad bosses” is incomplete. The real statement should be “People leave companies due to agonies caused by lousy bosses, while incompetent HR administration fails to recognize this problem. ” Many companies DO NOT realize the power of empathy and compassion traits exhibited by middle management. It […]

3 Reasons why hiring has become miserably slow

It takes about 3 – 6 months to fill positions. 3 Reasons why this happens: 1. Screening candidates based on credentials only: When considering only education and experiences, it is hard to distinguish qualitative metrics. Passion, attitude and personality are critical for a cultural sync, but gets ignored. 2. Relying on resumes and job descriptions […]

“Fresher / Experienced” divide makes no logical sense

Ruling out fresher candidates, on the basis of inexperience, is a mistake. With faster & cheaper internet access, massive open online courses (MOOC) subscriptions, and freelance opportunities with global prospects, some college students have developed extraordinary skills and work experience through part-time engagements. Such profiles get ignored mistakenly by most recruiters. The problem is, bench-marking […]

Why Recruiters are Powerful

Recruiters, whether aware or not, wield the power to make or break a company. Recruiters are not subject experts in all the profiles they recruit for. So what is the secret of best recruiters in spotting talent? There are 2 things: 1. They are genuinely interested in understanding a candidate’s aspirations. They prioritize a candidate’s […]

THIS is the #1 trait of Leadership

Whether C-level or middle management hiring, leadership is the most sought after trait. While specific traits add to leadership’s definition, this is the #1 give-away of a true leader: The genuine intent to prioritize other people’s success. Experienced recruiters have knack for spotting this trait. Once this is identified, other attributes of leadership including mentoring, […]